Mailbox Products - Media release
Hungry monster litter bins

Brightly coloured themed bins make recycling and litter collection fun in a school playground.

Hungry monsters spotted in school playground

Two brightly coloured monsters have been put to service devouring litter at Peover Superior Endowed Primary School in Cheshire.  The brightly coloured bins are styled to look like hungry monsters, mouths wide open to receive litter.  They were donated by materials handling company Mailbox after it heard about a new initiative at the school, set up to keep the playground tidy and help the young students learn about the benefits of recycling. 

Headed up by an enthusiastic “eco team”, the pupils and staff are determined to make the school more environmentally friendly and reduce the amount of litter than goes into landfill.  The “litter eater” bins will be used to support the eco team’s efforts, with waste paper going into the green monster bin and plastic into the blue.  It is hoped that these fun bins will catch the attention of the pupils and encourage them to recycle.  As well as being fun to look at, the bins are very durable, more than up to the challenge of the school playground environment. 

Mailbox, part of Stamford Products Ltd, is known throughout the UK for its high quality, robust, effective materials handling solutions, used across a wise range of industries from food preparation to warehousing.  Made of MDPE, the themed litter eater recycling bins are a best seller, and can be seen in hundreds of playgrounds, parks and offices. The bins are available in three designs:

· Penguin with a beak
· Monster with big teeth
· Mouse with a peanut-shaped head

Fun designs

A 50l bin, designed to look like a huge battery, is also available for use as a battery recycle point.  Each option comes in a wide variety of colours, including bespoke options, and can be customised with logos, images or words to suit the purpose and client.  The smooth construction makes them easy to keep clean and ensures they are safe for use in any environment.

“We have enjoyed using the monster bins to collect waste; they have really helped us all to think about recycling. The children love their hungry mouths and have liked using them to recycle paper and plastic. They brighten up the playground and school.” 

Megan: Chair of the Student Leadership Team, Peover Superior Endowed Primary School

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Litter eater recycling bins 

Mailbox litter collection and recycling products help to keep the world looking beautiful.

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