Mailbox Products - Audit systems
full on-site support from Mailbox.

Our specialists will visit and walk the system, production line and any other key locations with you to assess and recommend areas where we can provide solutions.

We can help compliance with important major audits

  • BRC
  • Salsa
  • Major supermarket audits

Our internal sales team is also on hand to provide immediate support, working in partnership with you to advise on areas such as correct product selection and the supply of food certificates.

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Site visits

A site visit enables us to assess the area so we can provide the right product specification for your needs. During the visit, we spend time really getting to know the facility and how it operates.

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Be prepared

Being ready for a planned audit is one thing, but what about being ready for an audit you weren’t expecting?

More and more supermarket audits are unannounced, meaning that an inspector could turn up at any time. Many supermarkets now carry out audits this way, with other key industries looking to do the same.  Any non-compliances have to be addressed as quickly as possible, ready for a revisit.

Mailbox helps you to be ready for the unexpected and will also work with you to rectify any non-compliances quickly and effectively.

Also see

Market knowledge | Guides & information | Audit help | Product design | Contract moulding | Material processing | After sales | Site visit request


bespoke storage solutions, product boxes, containers, Green crates, food boxes

Areas that Mailbox Products may identify and can provide solutions:

  • Getting items off the floor and stored safely
  • Safe moving of product
  • Colour-coding (VCS) and the use of personalisation for specific information (major audits prefer colour and text and place a high priority of the separation of allergans)
  • Use of virgin grade, food-approved materials, suitable for their environment
  • Replacement of non-compliant products, such as items made of unsuitable materials or without smooth surfaces
  • Health and Safety advice on, for example, safe weigh loads
  • Advice on the choice of pallets
  • Provision of bespoke items to solve problems, such as trolleys designed for specific uses, drainage holes in containers and cut-outs for labels
  • Food contact certificates
  • Posters to promote colour coding

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